In response to my last posting some have said that they are not addicts to oil and gas. With, respect, this is twaddle - we are all addicts. Without oil and gas we would be no better off than a primitive tribe.
There would be no transport, no health service, no communications. Every
article of modern life would be missing, radically different, much more
expensive and difficult to obtain. Our life would be rural rather than urban,
and there would be no aspiration to equality and liberty, merely to survival.
Is this harsh? Perhaps. But be careful before one signs up to the
renewables mantra. It will not arrive for 100 years and depends upon rare earth
elements such as gallium and neodymium that produce toxic and radioactive waste
every bit as dangerous for the environment as what renewables are supposed to
be replacing.
I could list all those things that require oil or gas to make or
transport, but that would be a very long and boring list.
Instead, try the TWO MINUTE TEST - Stop yourself every two minutes and
write down the first thing that you see. I will guarantee that it will be made
from oil or gas or depend upon it in some way (transport, manufacturing tools
Try it for one hour (30 items) - it gives a perspective that is missing
in our modern urban lives - then decide what you can do without, and recycle
(Please send your Two Minute Test lists
of 30 items to and I will collate
and analyse the data.)
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